


南半球天空的彗星$ K, @% x7 L7 [. H  ?4 f
Southern Comet
; t9 Q  k# \3 `( O  q4 X! P* u# a) K
8 A# ?; r: G' [; [
9 B: @! M7 u( F
影像版權與提供: Noel Munford (Palmerston North Astronomical Society, New Zealand)
; G4 v# G1 B# }8 c# k% ?: F7 P& j+ i4 x5 x
! j% m8 ^4 ]6 W; g1 P6 }      After a remarkable performance in the northern hemisphere, the brightest comet in decades is now showing off in the south. Recorded during evening twilight on January 17, this view features the bright coma and gorgeous, sweeping tail of Comet McNaught (c/2006 P1) over Lake Horowhenua in Levin, a small town on New Zealand's North Island. Astronomer Noel Munford reports that the five second long digital camera exposure comes close to capturing the visual appearance of the comet in a sky coloured by smoke from distant brush fires in Australia. Discovered last summer by R. H. McNaught (Siding Spring Survey), the comet grew impressively bright in early January and has even been sighted in full daylight. In the coming days Comet McNaught will continue to move south, for now a spectacle in southern skies as it heads for the outer solar system.  
0 K5 s2 z. v! Z. y; x. x
: }) @" C7 M* @/ x$ P2 X說明:
# s" p; d) Z  j# A3 ?9 H; }      在北半球天空的精彩演出後,數十年來最明亮的彗星,現在開始在南半球綻放光芒。1月17日暮光時分,在紐西蘭北島小鎮Levin的Horowhenua湖邊,Noel Munford拍攝了這幅影像,影像中可見到麥克諾彗星 (c/2006 P1)明亮的彗核和壯麗的長長彗尾;在被遠方澳洲灌木野火煙塵給染成淡黃色的天空中,他說這幅只用了五秒曝光時間的數位影像,幾乎完全捕捉了這顆彗星的風采。這顆在去年夏天由R. H. McNaught (塞汀泉巡天計畫)所發現彗星,在1月初變得非常明亮,甚到連在白天都能見到它的蹤影。在接下來的這段期間,麥克諾彗星將繼續往南方移動。在往太陽系外圍運動的旅程中,它現在是南半球天空的奇景。
$ K5 k6 l8 H* R1 r2 i% j7 O* m" x8 q
7 C# V: G9 ^2 T: S+ O( n可參考: 日地關係觀測衛星拍攝的麥克諾特彗星
* U# ^( C+ O; q2 c& U/ y5 g            加泰隆尼亞上空的麥克諾特彗星
3 ^3 }/ `* c% t2 W# f            麥克諾特彗星 - 近數十年來最亮的彗星
3 z7 }  ^" F' c  K0 o7 u# P# W            朝向太陽的麥克諾特(McNaught)彗星
$ F4 `5 \7 e( U# \) P, u
" E  T2 w, J9 g6 _/ D' |資料來源: Scientific American% t5 r. O0 E+ x8 o
                Department of Physics, NCKU

( W- f* w( h$ f! \6 Z) _# y9 }


